
The Struggle

A Little Bit of Struggle I popped in to see how my daughter was getting on with some maths home learning this week. She was stooped over her laptop, hands up against her head, and she was clearly struggling. She looked up at me, grimacing, and I immediately wanted to go over and help her […]


You Can’t Make Wellbeing With a Cookie-Cutter

“All we need is another photocopier.” When I started teaching, I promised myself that if I stayed long enough to become a school leader, I would install a second photocopying machine to improve staff morale and wellbeing. Nothing was more frustrating than having to join the queue of grumpy, pre-caffeinated teachers waiting for their turn […]


The Three Gift Rule

All you want for Christmas (literally) Adapted from my 2023 end-of-year speech to High School students and staff… As I walked around the school this week, I was uplifted by the excitement from staff and students in the high school.  I also could not help but notice the thousands of gifts that were being carried […]

Educational Reform Leadership

Golden Tickets: Where Willy Wonka Went Wrong

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity opens up to go to the most prestigious chocolate factory in the world. Everyone wants to go, but there are only a few places available. So, a lottery is set up in the style of a treasure hunt for one of five Golden Tickets, hidden away in […]

Educational Reform Leadership

The College Admissions System is Not Fair

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity opens up to go to the most prestigious chocolate factory in the world. Everyone wants to go, but there are only a few places available. So, a lottery is set up in the style of a treasure hunt for one of five Golden Tickets, hidden away in […]

Education Educational Reform Leadership

This is Why Educational Reform is So Damn Sticky

This timeless story is about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody. It starts with Everybody saying that the education system is broken and something needs to change. It’s assumed that Everybody will kick things off because they always go on about it. Everybody says nothing will be the same after COVID-19, AI will change […]

Education Noticing

Check your mirrors!

This morning, I held a door open for a colleague following behind me to get a coffee. But I completely misjudged it! I thought they were closer than they actually were. It thus became very awkward as it was too late for me to stop holding the door, and they then felt obliged to commit […]

Education Noticing

Why You Need to Check Your Mirrors!

This morning, I held a door open for a colleague following behind me to get a coffee. But I completely misjudged it! I thought they were closer than they actually were. It thus became very awkward as it was too late for me to stop holding the door, and they then felt obliged to commit […]


Summer Holidays: relief, trepidation, and distraction

Relief, trepidation… I always approach the gift of the Summer Holidays with a mix of emotions – excitement, of course, but also with relief and trepidation. Relief that the annual milestone has been reached, another year has been notched, and I am one step closer to returning “home”, wherever or whatever that might mean nowadays. Trepidation because […]